So I haven't seen "The Bucketlist" and I haven't been issued any sort of death sentence but was inspired by an old friend who made her own "not a bucket" list. I've been fortunate to travel quite a bit in my life, taking off after university and working and traveling around the world and still "living abroad" except London is home now. I used to hate it when people said, "I wish I could do that," cause I always thought, "well, you can!" I wasn't stopped so why would anyone else be. All you needed was a plane ticket and a working visa and once you got somewhere you got a job and supported your travels. That's why I don't think anything on my list is out of my reach and they are all things I've really wanted to do but it was much harder thinking of them than I realized. Let's get started!!
1. Learn to knit
2. Frame some of my photography
3. Read War and Peace
4. Get a Chanel bag
5. Learn sign language
6. Go kayaking on the Thames
7. Volunteer in London
8. Run a 10k
9. Bake my own bread
10. Pick one thing to do in Time Out each month
11. See Avenue Q
12. Finish a G2 crossword puzzle
13. Win the G2 photo competition
14. Go mountain biking
15. Have my own garden
16. Adopt a child
17. Buy a house
18. Make pickles
19. Host my family for Christmas in London
20. Get my French back
21. Write a book
22. Send Christmas cards
23. Swim with dolphins
24. Rent the funny bikes in Battersea Park
25. Have my 30th birthday and 5th anniversary in VEGAS!!
26. Hike part of the Appalachain Trail with my dad
27. Go on Safari in Africa with my mom
28. Rent a old school red convertible and drive up the coast of California
29. Have a pet gecko
30. Work on a ranch
31. Take a yoga class more than once
32. Go to the opera
33. Eat sushi in Japan
34. Get a meaningful tattoo
35. Learn to wear high heels
36. Hold a baby tiger/lion/jaguar/elephant/etc
37. Donate my hair to charity
38. Learn my family history
39. Have a library
40. Write a letter to David Sedaris telling him how much I love his books
41. Apply for my British passport
42. Eat a currie in India
43. Stay in a hut on the beach in Thailand
44. Take a dog sled ride
45. Learn about different types of flowers and plants
46. Meet Dante Calabria
47. Have a quilt made from my old t-shirts
48. Have a huge 69th birthday party with all my friends from my life
49. Work in a stall in a market
50. Update my blog and keep adding to it as I mark things off
Friday, 20 February 2009
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
As much of the world was aware, London recently got a giant hug from the North Pole and was completely snowed under. It was the most wonderful surprise as, while it will snow in London, it a) is more in slushy form as it falls and b) just doesn't stick past sunrise. I sat in my flat staring in awe out the window as the sun went down and the snow came in thicker and thicker. It was real snow, perfect ski weather snow. I quickly took to my facebook account to set my status only to see that I was not
the only one, n'er a status in sight that didn't pertain to the snow. I suddenly felt 8 years old again. When Fred got home that night he said he couldn't remember the last time it snowed like that in London and the news was saying it was a good 20 years.

I had nothing to get up for the next morning but at 7am natured called so while I was up it suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't looked out the window in a good 5 hours, who knew what would await me. I ran to the window and I never could have imagined what was before
my eyes. It was perfect "snow day" weather, there was a
pristine white blanket covering everything. I sprinted to tell Fred who just reponded with a grunt and went back to sleep. Why didn't he want to celebrate this joyous occassion with me at 7:05am?!?!

I think I may have gotten back into bed with the intention of going back to sleep but at around 7:07am I sprang from my bed, donned my boots, grabbed my camera, and headed into the snow. For some reason the whole thing was very emotional and I felt a bit silly feeling on the verge of tears as I walked towards the park. Walking down Park Gate road I litterally felt like I was walking down the streets of Aspen. I was so glad that I did get up early because the snow was virtually untouched and as I got to Battersea Park walking through the gates was a bit like walking into Narnia, just minus the wardrobe. I certainly wasn't the only one in the park though, there were tons of photographers as this was certainly a once in a lifetime opportunity for pictures in London.

I suddenly desperately wanted to make a snow angel and was taken back to past snows in my life. For some reason the number one event that stuck in my head was the time I was about 7 years old and was greeted with a tightly packed snowball to the face as I got off the bus to go home. I had snow in my eyes, down my coat, and I was so distressed that I wet my pants. Not the most pleasant of memories but a memory none the less. I remembered blizzards in Colorado, ski trips to Winterplace, and watching desperately for our school's name to scroll across the TV screen to announce a snow day.
Skiing is very much an activity of my past and hopefully of my future but it's such an expensive hobby that it's just put on hold right now. Living in Colorado when I was young was great because it was where I learned to ski and without inhibitions. My mom said I would join her after ski school and just tear down the mountain while she swished right to left. She watched as her 4 year old got smaller and smaller in the distance. I've also always been very proud of the fact that it's the one sport I have completely excelled in and dominated compared to past boyfriends and current husbands. Some (Fred) say I have a slight competitive streak when it comes to playing sports and refuse to play games like tennis with me but the tables are turned when it comes to skiing. One ex insisted on snowboarding in the hopes that we'd be on a more even playing ground but I still kicked his ass.
So, the snow made the memories swirl around in my head and it was fun walking around the park watching others create their own memories as most certainly there'll be comments like, "This is nothing like the snow of 2009," and "You call this snow?" being made for years to come. It was hilarious to watch the people with their dogs though. Since London is such a metropolitan place and big dogs don't have room to roam the small dog is the norm. But the small dog disappeared in the untouched snow, much to their owners distress. The park was suddenly a huge game of hide-n-seek between the small dogs and their owners. I helped point out one elderly couple's dog who'd ran into the snow covered brush and they were greatful. But when they went to pick up their dog he looked like he'd recently gotten white dredlocks and they were not coming off. These dogs must have melted like Frosty on the way home.
I so desperately wanted Fred to come out and play in the snow with me and as I was getting nearer to home he called my phone asking where I was. Apparently in my excitment of the snow I had left my keys in the front door, whoopsie!! Well, despite no buses running anywhere in London and the tubes running every 4 hours he still had to go to work. I got a call from somewhere in Hyde Park saying he was walking and was almost there. No snow days for chefs, apparently people still have to eat and eat they did, they wound up having one of their busiest lunch services ever and it was only a Monday.
The snow stuck around for a few more days, particularly in ice form on the sidewalks which was a bit trecherous for some. Someone on our floor had built a tiny snowman and put a baby carrot for a nose and some peas for eyes which eventually just layed on their own on the ground. I rode a bus past Green Park which looked like an overcrowded graveyard for snowmen and women, all half melted and leaning to one side, spooky in a way. It's now gone and the facebook statuses are back to normal but I'm glad I took full advantage of the snow!
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Saint Valentine
My lovely Valentines night was certainly a perfect evening for me. One thing I love about it is that it wasn't really too different from a normal night but we don't get to spend too many nights together so every "normal" night is a special one, this one just had cards and special champagne to add too it to make it extra special.
I gave Fred his card in the morning before heading to work as it had a big, nice, shiny Valentines button on it and like a good husband he pinned it to his shirt and off to work he went. Of course once at work he changes into chef whites and I think it's a pretty safe bet he did not transfer the button but he wore it the rest of the night once he got home.

As most people know, the stereotypes in our little family are slightly confused and while I do all the driving when we rent cars on holiday, Fred is the chef and prepared me a wonderful dinner. I always have intentions of learning and helping but somehow wind up sitting on the sofa while he pushes on without me. My excuse? The onions hurt my eyes.
Well, my Valentines dinner had my two favorites, a massive piece of fois gras and a whole lobster in both claw and home-made ravioli form with lobster sauce, mmmmmmmmmmmmm. I will happily admit I'm spoiled on the food front and I love it. I devoured all my delicious dinner with a mental side note of doing a bit of excersize again. One day. When the weather's nicer. So, that'll be never. But I'm greedily looking forward to my next lobe of fois gras.
I gave Fred his card in the morning before heading to work as it had a big, nice, shiny Valentines button on it and like a good husband he pinned it to his shirt and off to work he went. Of course once at work he changes into chef whites and I think it's a pretty safe bet he did not transfer the button but he wore it the rest of the night once he got home.

As most people know, the stereotypes in our little family are slightly confused and while I do all the driving when we rent cars on holiday, Fred is the chef and prepared me a wonderful dinner. I always have intentions of learning and helping but somehow wind up sitting on the sofa while he pushes on without me. My excuse? The onions hurt my eyes.
Well, my Valentines dinner had my two favorites, a massive piece of fois gras and a whole lobster in both claw and home-made ravioli form with lobster sauce, mmmmmmmmmmmmm. I will happily admit I'm spoiled on the food front and I love it. I devoured all my delicious dinner with a mental side note of doing a bit of excersize again. One day. When the weather's nicer. So, that'll be never. But I'm greedily looking forward to my next lobe of fois gras.
Friday, 13 February 2009
My new blog
On the advice of a good friend I'm starting my very own blog. I'm very excited and I really enjoy writing and I love reading other people's blogs but I'm also a bit nervous. In a way it's kinda like getting a new pet and I can't even keep plants alive, so far I've killed 5. This new blog will require patience, attention, determination, care, and most of all commitment but I think I'm up for the challenge. At least if I do wind up "killing my blog" like I've killed my tomato plant, my mint plant, and 3 other plants that I never even knew their type, it'll just wind up in cyberspace heaven or I'm sure I can cancel the account which seems more like getting an annulement, just pretend it never happened.
My mind is always turning with new ideas of things to write about but I certainly hope that I'll also have some personal twists and turns to add as so far 2009 hasn't been a bowl of Marshmallow Blasted Fruit Loops. Instead it's been more like stale Kashi with sour milk, OK, a little extreme as I'm always surrounded by my amazing husband and wonderful friends but it can only really go up from there can't it?
And now, as said husband has come home and has the evening off with me which is a rare occasion we're heading to the pub across the street.
My mind is always turning with new ideas of things to write about but I certainly hope that I'll also have some personal twists and turns to add as so far 2009 hasn't been a bowl of Marshmallow Blasted Fruit Loops. Instead it's been more like stale Kashi with sour milk, OK, a little extreme as I'm always surrounded by my amazing husband and wonderful friends but it can only really go up from there can't it?
And now, as said husband has come home and has the evening off with me which is a rare occasion we're heading to the pub across the street.
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